* E2
Jeopardy! S2020:E246
In Harry Potter's (Daniel Radcliffe's) sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, he finds a book marked mysteriously, "This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince", which helps him excel at Potions class and teaches him a few dark and dangerous ones along the way. Meanwhile, Harry is taking private lessons with Dumbledore (Sir Michael Gambon) in order to find out about Voldemort's (Ralph Fiennes') past so they can find out what might be his only weakness.
Ben Baker is a man-child who lives on his friend's couch getting high. His friend, Steve Dallas, is a moderately successful weather reporter who is living a superficial life. When Ben receives word that his father has died, Steve drives him home and they re-connect with Ben's successful and driven sister Terri and hippie step-mother Angela who is the same age as they are. The reading of the will drives Ben to come up with a new purpose in life, but those around him don't prove to be very supportive, and then they all re-examine their own lives.

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