* S2024:E43
Live S1:E108
* S5:E13
* S1:E108
* E6
Alf uncovers Roo’s plotting. Justin surprises Leah. Rose worries for a friend.
Live S2024:E1
Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 
Jeopardy! S2021:E1
A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.
The CSI team investigates a bomb that detonated during a masquerade party for wealthy investors at the site of a new casino.
* S2:E18
The CSI team investigates a bomb that detonated during a masquerade party for wealthy investors at the site of a new casino.
* S1:E1
Jeopardy!* S2021:E1
A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.
* S2024:E1