* S2024:E7
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.
* S3:E5
* E4
Live S2024:E20
Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 
Jeopardy! S2021:E15
A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.
The CSI team investigates a murder case that hits close to home for Folsom - when he is forced to sit this investigation out, he does his own digging with help from Trey.
Harlots S2:E8
A surprising new victim of "A" is revealed; Spencer runs from her family troubles right into Wren's arms; Ezra's new opportunity could push him away from Aria.
* S2:E21
The CSI team investigates a murder case that hits close to home for Folsom - when he is forced to sit this investigation out, he does his own digging with help from Trey.
Jeopardy!* S2021:E15
A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.